Katha Kathmandu | Nepali Movie | Priyanka Karki, Ayushman

Katha Kathmandu - Nepali Movie

Story of Lust, Love & Life: Katha Kathmandu is a 2018 Nepalese drama crime romance film directed and written by Sangita Shrestha. In the lead roles are Priyanka Karki, Pramod Agrahari, Ayushman Joshi, Sanjog Koirala, Sandhya K.C., and Prekshya Adhikari. The film is produced by Bijay Rai under the banner of Aahana Films. The movie is about three people who live in Kathmandu.

Cast: Priyanka Karki, Pramod Agrahari, Ayushman Desraj Joshi, Sanjog Koirala, Sandhya KC & Prekshya Adhikari
Music: Mohit Munal, Kamal Khatri, Pradip Bastola & Suraj Bikram Thapa (Bullet Flo)
Action: Asta Maharjan
Producers: Bijay Rai
Assistant Director: Bibek Lama
Written & Directed By Sangita Shrestha

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