Matina Ya Khan - Amar Chitrakar, Lasata Joshi | NepalBhasha Song 2081

The Nepalbhasha song, Matina Ya Khan, is sung by Lasata Joshi and Amar Chitrakar, penned by Lokkavi Raj Bhai Jaka:mi. This song production by KBS Lubhoo, and the direction by Bal Mukunda Prajapati. The cast includes Manoj Maharjan and Loomila Joshi.
Nepalbhasha Song: Matina Ya Khan
Lyrics: Lokkavi Raj Bhai Jaka:Mi
Singer: Amar Chitrakar | Lasata Joshi
Cinematography: Lubhoo Wave Music Institute & Studio
Direction: Bal Mukunda Prajapati
Cast: Manoj Maharjan | Loomila Joshi